Central Gauteng Athletics brings you to light that on Saturday 29 February 2020, will be staging the annual CGA Team Managers Workshop.
The purpose of the workshop is to equip CGA affiliated officials and coaches on the roles and responsibilities of being a team manager for the province so that teams are professionally and effectively managed. The workshop is solely opened to Commission Members, affiliated CGA Technical Officials and CGA Affiliated Coaches. The workshop is compulsory as only managers and coaches who attended the workshop will be eligible to be selected as 2020 Team Managers for provincial teams.
The Workshop will take place at Sports House, Johannesburg Stadium, at 10h00 in the morning.
Central Gauteng Athletics:
Office Phone: 011 873 2726
Email: media@centralgautengathletics.co.za
Twitter: @CG_Athletics
Facebook: Central Gauteng Athletics