Central Gauteng Athletics will be hosting the 2021 Cross Country Provincial Championships on 28 August 2021 at Kagiso Sports Complex.
The Cross Country Commission over the last few days has been receiving requests from a number of athletes with regards to the criteria for athletes to participate in the provincial championships. We appreciate the inputs and the interest of our athletes in Cross Country and in particular this season. The commission has therefore resolved to relax the championships entry rules to allow athletes with at least 1 league this season to compete at the championships. However, selection into the provincial team of any athlete with less than 3 leagues will remain at the discretion of the commission and the selectors.
We would also like to thank all athletes that have been submitting their copies of birth certificate/Identity Documents through the office. On the entry portal/link under the Cross Country Champs list, you are able to check if your entry and ID copy has been received. If there is any query we will be happy to address it before the entries closed on Wednesday, 25 August 2021 at midnight and there will be No entries allowed after the closing date or on the day of the championships.
– Here is the entry link: https://cgacrosscountry.com
Medals and prize money at the provincial championships will be awarded to the top 3 finishers in each event category.
Please also be informed that at the National Cross Country Championships this year, ASA will only be allowing 6 entries per category per province with an exception of sub-veteran, veteran, and master age category with only 4 entries allowed per province.
We would appreciate it if you can share this information with your respective athletes and coaches.
Should you need any further information, do not hesitate to contact our office.
Kind regards,
CGA Cross Country Commission
Central Gauteng Athletics
Office Phone: 011 873 2726
Twitter: Central Gauteng Athletics
Facebook: Central Gauteng Athletics
YouTube: Central Gauteng Athletics