Dear Club,
It is an open secret that COVID-19 has had a great impact on the Road Running calendar since the outbreak of the pandemic. We are grateful that some of the clubs have taken the initiative of creatively hosting road races be it virtual or physically in the past few months. We are monitoring the pandemic and also encouraging clubs to continue to host road events within the prescribed protocols and regulations.
There are a number of clubs that have communicated their interest in hosting physical races later in the year which we are working with them to put in a good plan to mitigate the risks of COVID-19 exposure within road races.
We have picked up that there is a number of runs that are not organised under the auspices of clubs and not sanctioned by CGA, ASA and/or the Government. We need to ensure that all our athletics events are run under an athletics structure so that we can ensure COVID-19 compliance but most importantly accountability for the sport of athletics.
Illegal runs also have negative implications to runners which includes invalidating the athlete’s insurance cover amongst other things. We, therefore, request that clubs inform and educate their athletes about the risks of participating in such runs.
Herewith, please find the attached 2021 Physical and Virtual Road Race Calendar.
Central Gauteng Athletics:
Office Phone: 011 873 2726
Twitter: Central Gauteng Athletics
Facebook: Central Gauteng Athletics
YouTube: Central Gauteng Athletics