Central Gauteng Athletics welcomes the relaxing of COVID-19 regulations by the government announced yesterday in particular limits on gathering. This will allow us to fully return to events and road running as in nature road running is a mass participation event. We believe that the announcement will positively affect our provincial calendar especially road race organisers.
We, therefore, invite clubs that have not submitted their 2023 Road Race application to do so no later than Friday, 1 July 2022. The submissions must be sent to mandla@centralgautengathletics.co.za.
CGA Road Running Commission will be hosting a Road Running Open and Fixture meeting scheduled as follows:
- Date: Saturday, 9 July 2022
- Time: 10h00
- Venue: CGA Offices, Germiston Stadium
We would appreciate it if the clubs that are planning to host a road race in 2023 please send a delegate to the above meeting.
Herewith, please find the attached 2023 Road Running Race Application form.
Kind regards,
CGA Road Running Commission
Office Phone: 011 873 2726
Twitter: Central Gauteng Athletics
Facebook: Central Gauteng Athletics
YouTube: Central Gauteng Athletics